Welcome to our FAQ page, where you can find answers to commonly asked questions about RCIA. We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you understand the Residential Consumer Intervener Association, the BC Utilities Commission, and how individuals can get involved in representing residential energy consumers.
You can get involved with RCIA by reaching out to us by phone (778-868-5404) or by email at info@residentialintervener.com. Alternatively, please contact us through our website by submitting an inquiry through our Contact Form.
The Residential Consumer Intervener Association (RCIA) is a group that serves as an intervener in British Columbia's energy utility public proceedings and hearings. The group represents the diverse interests of British Columbia's energy utility residential ratepayers, ensuring that their concerns are heard and considered by the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC).
The primary objective of RCIA is to advocate for the safe, reliable, and affordable energy utility services in the province. Additionally, RCIA works to ensure that residential ratepayers and the public interest are adequately represented during BCUC proceedings. This is because the decisions made by the BCUC regarding energy utility services will ultimately impact the rates that residential consumers will pay.
The BCUC is an independent regulatory agency of the Government of British Columbia, primarily governed by the Utilities Commission Act, and follows sections of the Clean Energy Act, Administrative Tribunals Act, Insurance Corporation Act and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The BCUC also administers British Columbia’s Fuel Price Transparency Act. RCIA is a group that serves as an intervener in British Columbia's energy utility public proceedings and hearings before the BCUC.
Intervention status allows interested parties to fully participate in the proceedings and express their views and concerns.
To become an Intervener, you must complete a Request to Intervene Application on www.bcuc.com. In accordance with the BCUC’s Rules of BCUC’s Rules of Practice and Procedure, a Request to Intervene Application must be received by the BCUC by the deadline included in the proceeding’s regulatory timetable. Persons requesting Intervener status who are not individuals, or BCUC regulated entities, must also submit an informational document that includes:
1. A description of the organization’s mandate and objectives;
2. A description of its membership, including the membership processes if any, and The constituency it represents;
3. The types of programs and/or activities it carries out;
4. The identities of any authorized representatives and addresses; and
5. Any other information the BCUC may request.
RCIA hires external consultants to assist with its work on behalf of British Columbia's energy utility residential ratepayers. These consultants have expertise in various aspects of electric utilities, including energy regulation, procurement, construction, environmental concerns, and technical matters. By working with external consultants, RCIA is able to provide more comprehensive and informed representation for residential ratepayers during BCUC proceedings. These consultants provide valuable insights and analysis that can help RCIA effectively advocate for the interests of its constituents.
RCIA’s Board of Directors is currently comprised of three key personnel:
1. Michael Vaney, Executive Director, Board Member
2. Peng Zhang, Board Member
3. Matt Good, Board Member
The BCUC's intervention process is designed to ensure that the views and concerns of all stakeholders are considered in the commission's decision-making process. This process helps to promote transparency, fairness, and accountability in the regulation of British Columbia's utilities. In British Columbia, any individual, group, or organization has the right to request intervention status in a proceeding before the BCUC. Intervention status allows interested parties to fully participate in the proceedings and express their views and concerns.
To be granted intervention status, potential interveners must demonstrate that they meet certain criteria. They must show that they or the person(s) they represent are directly affected by the BCUC proceeding in question. Alternatively, they can demonstrate that they have relevant experience, information, or expertise related to the BCUC proceeding that would be useful in assisting the commission with its review and decision-making.