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Outreach & Communications

Understanding your needs, desires and opinions is necessary for the RCIA to fairly represent residential ratepayer interests before the BCUC.

We represent you and your fellow British Columbians

The RCIA hosts outreach events where you can meet us virtually or in person, and publishes a quarterly newsletter covering current issues in utility energy.

Upcoming Events

BC Hydro Fiscal 2023 Rate Schedule 1101, 1121 Residential Service Pricing Principles Application

BC Hydro is seeking an order from the British Columbia Utilities Commission establishing fiscal 2023 pricing principles for its Rate Schedule 1101, 1121 - Residential Services. If approved, the proposed adjustments would result in residential cusomters seeing a bill reduction of approx. 1-2% starting April 1, 2022. See the latest updates and learn how you can get involved on the BCUC's website, at the link below.

Event Details / Registration


Q1 2022 Volume 2 Issue 2
Key Article Topic:
Fairness in What You Pay For (Part II)

BC Hydro is looking to update/replace the current rate design that helps determine what residential energy consumers pay for their energy bills. This newsletter discusses why BC Hydro is reviewing its rate design, their Cost of Services model, and customer demographics, including how a change in rate design would affect their electricity bills.

Newsletter PDF Document
Q4 2021 Volume 2 Issue 1
Key Article Topic:
Fairness in What You Pay For (Part I)

BC Hydro is looking to update/replace the current rate design that helps determine what residential energy consumers pay for their energy bills. This newsletter discusses factors considered in rate design, options available to BC Hydro, and objectives sought in achieving sound rate design.

Newsletter PDF Document
Q3 2021 Volume 1 Issue 2
Key Article Topic:
BC Utilities Commission, Utilities, and RCIA's Relationship

The newsletter includes a discussion regarding who the RCIA is, Who the BC Utilities Commission is, our respective roles in the utility industry, as well as our working relationship, and how you, the residential ratepayer, can get involved in our work.

Newsletter PDF Document
Q3 2021 Volume 1 Issue 1
Key Article Topic:
How Energy Utilities Make Money

The newsletter includes a discussion of natural monopolies in the energy utility industry, defining the Rate Base and how it relates to your utility bill, the concepts of depreciation of assets and profits within a utility company's purview, and RCIA's role in the rate setting process.

Newsletter PDF Document