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BCUC Current Proceedings: FortisBC and Fortis Energy Inc.

A full listing of all BCUC Current Proceedings pertaining to FortisBC and Fortis Energy Inc. that RCIA is currently intervening in.

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BCUC Current Proceedings – FortisBC and Fortis Energy Inc.

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FortisBC and Fortis Energy Inc.

FortisBC Energy Inc.
Proceeding Number:
Proceeding Name:
FEI Common Rate and 2022 Revenue Requirements for Fort Nelson
Start Date:
August 12, 2021
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FortisBC Energy Inc. is seeking approval from the BCUC, pursuant to Sections 59 and 61 of the Utilities Commission Act ("UCA") for the Fort Nelson Common Rates and 2022 Revenue Requirement Application.

FortisBC Inc.
Proceeding Number:
Proceeding Name:
FortisBC 2021 Long-Term Electric Resource Plan (LTERP) and Long-Term Demand-Side Management (LT DSM) Plan
Start Date:
August 4, 2021
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On June 28, 2018, the BCUC issued Order G-117-18 which accepted FortisBC Inc. ("FBC") Long-Term Demand-Side Management Plan ("DSM") and accepted the 2016 Long-Term Electric Resource Plan ("LTERP") for the period through 2024. This order also directed FBC to file its next LTREP and DSM by December 1, 2021. In accordance with that directive, FBC is filing the LTREP (Volume 1) and DSM (Volume 2) for the BCUC's review.

FortisBC Energy Inc.
Proceeding Number:
Proceeding Name:
Annual Review for 2022 Rates
Start Date:
July 13, 2021
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FortisBC Energy Inc. is submitting an application for an annual review of its 2022 Rates, under established BCUC Guidelines for the regulatory framework for Annual Reviews

FortisBC Energy Inc.
Proceeding Number:
Proceeding Name:
CPCN Application for Approval of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Project
Start Date:
May 5, 2021
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FortisBC Energy Inc. is applying for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPCN") for the Advanced Metering Infrastructure ("AMI") project. The AMI project will collect natural gas consumption and other information from customer meters, as well as the capacity to collect information on infrastructure and other pipeline assets. Existing meters will be replaced with advanced meters and communication sensors will be installed on pipeline assets.

FortisBC Energy Inc.
Proceeding Number:
Proceeding Name:
CPCN Application for the CTS Transmission Integrity Management
Start Date:
February 11, 2021
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Fortis BC Energy Inc. is applying for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPCN") for the Coastal Transmission System Integrity Management Capabilities Project ("CTS TIMC Project"), a pipeline integrity project that is required to continue operating eleven (11) CTS pipelines safely. Fortis BC Energy Inc. is also seeking approval to recover the balance of costs associated with the CTS TIMC Project, estimated at $13.2 million.

FortisBC Energy Inc.
Proceeding Number:
Proceeding Name:
CPCN Application for the Tilbury LNG Storage Expansion Project
Start Date:
December 29, 2020
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FortisBC Energy Inc. is applying for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPCN") for the Tilbury LNG Storage Expansion Project which is viewed as a resiliency investment, replacing an existing 50-year old Tilbury Base Plant.

FortisBC Energy Inc.
Proceeding Number:
Proceeding Name:
CPCN Application for the Okanagan Capacity Upgrade Project
Start Date:
November 14, 2020
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FortisBC Energy Inc. is applying for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPCN") for the Okanagan Capacity Upgrades ("CPU") Project which is required to address the expected growth in natural gas loading in the Okanagan region due to population increases. Approvals include construction and installation of various pipeline as well as deactivation of existing pipeline.

FortisBC Energy Inc.
Proceeding Number:
Proceeding Name:
Biomethane Energy Recovery Charge (BERC) Rate Methodology
Start Date:
August 12, 2020
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FortisBC Energy Inc. is submitting their Biomethane Energy Recovery Charge ("BERC") Rate Assessment Report in accordance with BCUC Decision and Order G-133-16.